The last of the worthy representatives of the RPG marine is “Corsaras: Curse of the Far Seas”. There were still an attempt to make money on license Disney with the help of “Pirates of the Caribbean”;the failed revival of the series in the person of the funny “Corsarers 3”;A series of Addons “KVL” and “Code of Civil Procedure”, which grew into the infamous development of “Corsarers 4”;The almost ready -made game “The Adventures of Captain Blade” who went into the non -existence of the “Adventure of Captain Blade”;And the last attempt to squeeze all the juices from the old Storm 2 engine.5 themselves fans of the series in “Corsarars: to each his own” .. Akella although it is a monopolist in this genre, she could not dignily occupy a niche. Now the company intends to grab an extremely attractive pie Ubisoft With the help of Assassin’s Creed 4 soaked sea

salt. But few people noticed that the black banner of the project loomed on the horizon Raven’s Cry From the studio Octane Games, which also marks on the laurels of failed “Corsarers 4”.

Caribbean drama

Raven’s Cry This fall, he will transfer us to the hot Caribbean archipelago with sunlight on the blue sea surface and bright sun. Unforgettable equatorial dawn and sunsets in the 15th century attracted pioneers-travelers to themselves. It is these times that we are known to us as one of the most romanticized periods of the history of mankind.

As soon as people mastered the New World in the 16th century, local adventurers, robbers and traitors of the crown began to terrorize the populated islands in search of a way to get rich quickly. And there were enough such methods for the robbery to feed thousands of European guests of the archipelago-starting from the ship’s “Gop-Stop” in the middle of the sea and ending with the slave trade. Legal colonial representatives of the crown were too far from Europe to hope for its constant support. Governors were extremely difficult to keep the situation under control in the settlements subject to them. Therefore, many of the officials indulged in criminals only in order to prevent those in power.

Just in such difficult times, the protagonist of the game Christopher Raven at the age of 6 years old experienced a real family drama. His native Scotland is experiencing cruel hunger caused by the wrecking of bloodthirsty lords. The father of the family decides to flee with his wife and child to the New World, about which only good rumors went in their places. Preaching hunger and fear, the family in the hope of the best share finds a trading ship ready to deliver it to Port Royal.

Upon arrival in the New World, refugees understand that absolutely everything is possible here – the shoemaker becomes a planter, a blacksmith – a construction magnate, a fisherman – a merchant. There would be a desire. Freedom here is limited only by means and general crime. It is worth going the wrong thing or make an acquaintance with a wrong person, and the rich man turns into a slave, and a noble lady into a port girl. Here life is not at all the same as in Europe, which is stupefying the mind and makes you feel differently.

Having settled in a small village, the Christopher family willingly joins the leisurely life of the British colony. But once the peaceful existence of the settlement is interrupted by screams and moans of dying. Shots are heard, and then a six -year -old boy sees how his mother corrupts terrible thugs in his parental bed, just bursting into the house. Seeing a hiding boy, the bandits begin to mock him and. Before losing consciousness, he hears only the nickname of the leader – the devil.

The protagonist of the game Christopher Raven is covered by the desire to take revenge on his brutally killed family, and only the player will be able to keep everything within the framework of justice.

Captain Hook

That evening, Christopher was chopped off and deprived of his parents’ life. Found a boy local fisherman Marcus. Being a former slave, he did not feel sympathy for people, but the Malet seemed to him special. He told the boy that his parents were killed by the captain of the pirate gang of Neville “Devil” Scranton – killer and deserter. Since then, Christopher has been overcome by a thirst for revenge, his life has turned into a dream saturated with cruelty. Instead of a prosthesis, Raven asks the doctor to implant a metal block in his hand and swears to kill everyone from the gang of the devil. He does not disdain someone else’s blood and vile deeds, considers it important to achieve the goal by absolutely any way.

Christopher Raven is an antihero, a cruel type with devilish morals. Throughout the game, he fights his own boundaries of morality and conscience, releasing his internal demons to freedom. We will have to keep him in human framework and prevent him from turning into a feces of hell, choosing between bad, very bad and terrible deeds. From the very beginning, we will have to come to terms with the fact that Christopher will never heal in the world and peace. He will kill always and everywhere;The only question is who exactly and what way.

Raven differs from other pirates in that it is not interested in glory and wealth. The thirst for revenge drives them. The game presents a lot of scenes where we choose how Christopher to do with his victim. It can be a knife in the palm of the one who is able to issue valuable information. Then we can break the burning lantern about someone’s head and burn a person alive. But upon returning to this place, we will wait for the revenge of his friends-heads. The developers of the game note that if the burned victim survives, then most likely sends the head hunters for Christopher, so it is worth careful to choose enemies for yourself.

The back of the piracy

The game begins when Christopher has already become an adult and plunged into a pirate life with his head. It was not easy to find Scranton – the elusive devil almost leaves no trace. For six chapters in Raven’s Cry We have to go through a long adventure, performing one quest after another in search of all bastards from the old gang, from which there are fewer people left – most either died in battle, either executed or perked in remote villages in old forgotten taverns.

So we find ourselves in a world where there is no power, where no one requires order. Black pages of the pirate expanse on the Caribbean archipelago are presented in Raven’s Cry Without a screen of romance, about which we have heard from works about glorious times.

Each city here is much more than those we saw in the series “Corses”. Two huge settlements have already been shown: the Spanish capital in the New World-a carefully fortified Havana-and the British supply center for Western colonies Port Royal. Both places differ radically. Spanish possessions are impregnated with peers and high fashion, here rich architecture and pompous settlers. But the British refuge of adventurers is filled with bandits and merchants.

With the onset of the night right on the streets, we can witness a showdown, murders, rape. Sometimes small cat-scenes suspend gameplay to show a curious episode. All this makes the game more believable so that the player can be imbued with the atmosphere of those events. Until now, only the royal colonies showed us. It’s scary to imagine how gloomy the Pirates base will turn out to be, where there are no representatives of the king, and the murders take place every evening.

Caribbean environment

Story Raven’s Cry Line in many ways even taking into account the above choice of actions in dialogs. All six chapters we will follow the scriptwriters. We will be allowed to go to secondary quests, but as part of the plot. However, developers promise difficult tasks and situations from which you can get out in several ways. At the same time, the passage style is so multifaceted that to fit Raven’s Cry It is simply impossible to go into the framework of a separate genre. And the authors even promise to withstand history for an adult audience at the level of famous films about pirate times.

Christopher will constantly move between the colonies on his ship both in locations and on the global map. In the Caribbean, we are free to run in any direction. MicroMENTIONS and trade are promised, but so far remain without comment – their development is still ongoing. But what will definitely be will be, it is an abundance of a mini-game. For example, Christopher can get out of the helm at any time and start setting sails, charge guns, prepare boarding and so on.

All cities in Raven’s Cry are much larger than in Corsair. They received a unique appearance, architecture, population.

In colonial settlements, we are not always happy. Somewhere guards, somewhere village bandits, somewhere hunters of their heads-we will constantly face danger. You can get into a hostile settlement using a cover system and secretive movement. Stealth elements c Raven’s Cry used to survive the enemy, silently killing the goal, theft and so on. At the same time, at any time, a dog can jump out of the lane or some drunk duck.

The lot of the pirate

One way or another, we will have to constantly fight. However, there are no countless crowds of villains here – the game carefully selects us rivals. Captains, killers, guards and thugs have a good possession of silicon pistols, swords, sabers and even axes. The battles take place quickly and cruelly, according to the Hack-And-Slash system, but in many ways their outcome depends on what the characters are armed with and how well they are “pumped” by their combat skills.

The main character also has unusual abilities. The thirst for revenge destroys his conscience and releases internal demons outward. Each murder replenishes the scale of morality, which can be spent on psychological attacks – from intimidation and intimidation of the enemy, ending with Voodoo magic. The latter is carried out using special amulets – dried heads, arrowheads and other totems of Caribbean savages. If you actively use the moral scale, then Christopher will receive more and more terrible abilities, up to the resurrection of the dead. For such matters, the main character awaits terrible troubles, which the developers still keep secret.

If there are a lot of people in any colony, we will not only have to meet our demons, but also escape from the royal guard. There will be messages about the head of the Christopher’s head a reward. If you tear them off, the fame of the protagonist will begin to decline. The population will also respond to the presence of Christopher with bow or mockery. With the course of the game, he will be recognized in many cities.

Battles occur using completely different weapons – sabers, swords and axes;Even Christopher’s hook can be changed to a blade or chain.

Raise sails!

The most mysterious element Raven’s Cry There is a sea battle for journalists. Representatives Octane Games Honestly claim that this is the most interesting part of the game that they pay special attention. They had to save on the animation of characters to please marine technologies. The developers preferred tactical battles to arcade battles with a thorough calculation of maneuvers.

True, I had to give up many hours of fights for the sake of dynamic gameplay. As a result, guns are charged several times faster than in life, and sails are placed in a couple of minutes. The dependence of the ship on the wind is not so significant. Of course, the ship will stand in a leverage tightly, but in the passing courses any colossus will be quite controlled. The main character during the battles can transfer the helm to the hands of the first assistant, providing us with the opportunity to independently bring guns or take part in the production of sails.

The developers also assure that if we see something on the horizon, we will definitely be able to swim to the object and consider it closer. But still Octane Games She did not provide screenshots or videos where the global map and sea battles are captured. Therefore, it remains to take their words on faith.

The authors are in no hurry to show the sea unit Raven’s Cry, but now they are proud of her and promise to surprise the players.

Gloomy Raven’s Cry promises the revival of games on pirate topics after several years of vegetation “Korsarov”. Many will think that Octane Games Trying to earn a noise of the autumn start of Assassin’s Creed 4. However, the history of Christopher Reven loyed on the horizon where it was earlier than the announcements Ubisoft. Be that as it may, as long as one thing is clear: “Corses 4” is now unlikely to “defrost” with such strong competitors.

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